At Magna, we know art is not a gimmicky product or new brand of coffee. Art is culture and is to be revered as such. One the other hand, great design, recognizability, and consistency through paperwork, media, and correspondence definitely relay an aesthetic of professionalism and respect of self. Having your stamp or logo along with your contact information clearly displayed on each invoice, letterhead, and poster will convey a sense of cohesiveness to your audience. It will also make your materials feel familiar and easier to recognize. Contact us for help with setting up a brand that feels comfortable and right for you and your practice. We create:
- Logos
- Branding
- Letterheads/Stationery
- Show Posters and Invites
- Pamphlets/Brochures
- Business Cards
An artist’s website is a staple of an established practice. The website is the only place outside of your own studio where you can choose the format and control how galleries, collectors, the press, and the general press see your work. It’s the one place where viewers can spend focused time seeing work and finding updated and accurate information about the artists they are interested in. This is why a beautiful and easy-to-navigate website is so important to have. Contact us for:
- Website Design
- Website Updates
- Blogpost templates
- Website Management